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Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism

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Temple Beth Shalom presents interfaith "Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism" course

Ever since Madonna became involved with the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles and New York, celebrities and the American public as a whole have wanted to know "What is Kabbalah?"


Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley is offering a three-part interfaith course series, Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays, March 3, 10 and 17 . Persons of all faiths are invited to attend this popular series 


TBS Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan will lead the course, which will include:

  • The sefirot, the 10 emanations from God that are used to interpret the Torah in metaphorical and metaphysical ways. 

  • How the mystics thought that the world had begun

  •  Explore the problems that the creation of the world by God caused that continue on to this day. The popular expression tikkun olam comes from this idea. 

  • Jewish mystical ideas play a central role in Judaism and are both fascinating and esoteric. On a simple level designed for anyone to understand, we're going to begin to explore the Jewish mystical tradition of Kaballah.


Cost: is $20 for TBS members and $35 for non-members or one coupon

TBS has coupon books for adult education courses that can be used for any four courses through May 2025. Price is $65 for members and $120 for non-members


To register, call the Temple Office at 623.977.3240 between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday –Thursday.  Deadline for registration and payment of course fee is noon Feb. 27.

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