Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism

Temple Beth Shalom presents interfaith "Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism" course
Ever since Madonna became involved with the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles and New York, celebrities and the American public as a whole have wanted to know "What is Kabbalah?"
Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley is offering a three-part interfaith course series, Kaballah: Jewish Mysticism” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays, March 3, 10 and 17 . Persons of all faiths are invited to attend this popular series
TBS Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan will lead the course, which will include:
The sefirot, the 10 emanations from God that are used to interpret the Torah in metaphorical and metaphysical ways.
How the mystics thought that the world had begun
Explore the problems that the creation of the world by God caused that continue on to this day. The popular expression tikkun olam comes from this idea.
Jewish mystical ideas play a central role in Judaism and are both fascinating and esoteric. On a simple level designed for anyone to understand, we're going to begin to explore the Jewish mystical tradition of Kaballah.
Cost: is $20 for TBS members and $35 for non-members or one coupon
TBS has coupon books for adult education courses that can be used for any four courses through May 2025. Price is $65 for members and $120 for non-members
To register, call the Temple Office at 623.977.3240 between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday –Thursday. Deadline for registration and payment of course fee is noon Feb. 27.