Ancient Jewish & Christian
Biblical Interpretation course

Temple Beth Shalom offers interfaith course about Ancient Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation
An interfaith course about "Ancient Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation" will be presented from 10-11:30 a.m. Mondays, April 7, 14 and 21 at Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley, 12202 N. 101st Ave. in Sun City.
Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan will lead the three-part course, which will explore different commentators from different parts of the Greek and Roman worlds interpreted biblical stories in similar ways. The course will show participants how so much of biblical knowledge was preserved over the centuries by luck and happenstance and what those works of wisdom reveal about early Jewish biblical interpretation and the influence that it had on early Christianity.
Cost: $20 for TBS members; $35 for non-members or one coupon. Temple Beth Shalom has coupon books for adult education courses that can be used for any four courses through May 2025. Price is $65 for members and $120 for non-members
To register, call the Temple office at 623.977.3240 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Deadline for registration and payment of course fee is noon April 3. For more information go to